Should you need any financing assistance, the leasing companies listed below may be able to help. These are just a few of the leasing companies available in the DME market place. Each leasing company offers different options and programs which enables you to select the one that matches your specific cash flow needs.

Financing Information from VGM Financial Services

VGM Financial Services are experts at delivering equipment finance solutions and offer an array of flexible payment programs to match each unique cash flow situation.  Their responsive team provides unmatched customer service and has years of industry experience. 

Call VGM Financial Services for a quote or to have your questions answered - 1-800-532-7392

Click here for the VGM credit application.

Financing Information from U.S. Financial Services

U.S. Financial Services, Inc. offers operating/tax leases, true leases, and capital leases with no penalty early payoffs, as well as technology upgrades to greatly enhance the flexibility of their lease agreements for all types of businesses. They also provide fast turnaround, competitive rates and excellent customer service to ensure a smooth working relationship with your company.

 Click here for the US Financial credit application

U.S. Financial Services, Inc.
21599 West Eleven Mile, Suite 100
Southfield, Michigan 48076-3802

(248) 356-4500

Zenon Zyga Equipment Leasing and Financial Services

Click here for Zenon Zyga credit application